
This site is best viewed on a desktop/laptop (not mobile). If you just want to find where else I am on the intenet, go to the rightmost button in the Navigation Bar above :]

This site is my attempt at a hybrid of a portfolio and a personal website, just mainly to be a place for me to put my nicer art and finished things in a cleaner place than scattered throughout various social medias.

I'm Schellis, an artist mainly focusing on illustration, character design, and concept art. I'll eventually get to putting a more tidy portfolio on this website, but currently you can see my art either on Tumblr or Toyhouse.

I can be found at the sites linked at the top of the sidebar over there to the left (listing a few, but more major sites I'm at), or you can go over to the top of the Links page.

Thank you for visiting! I hope you like what I've made :]


[If there are any Neocities edits logged that aren't mentioned below, it's only minor edits / adding images.]

> 5/20/2024: Updated commission & customs TOS page. They're open! :]
> 1/17/2024: Put a bit more into the About page and Links & Credits page.
> 1/6/2024: Doing a bit more of adding text and things.
> 1/2/2024: Actually working on this site now. Going to teach myself html through looking at other people's sites n all that.

Larvesta pokemon sprite gif Yveltal pokemon sprite gif Hydreigon pokemon sprite gif Venipede pokemon sprite gif